Friday, July 29, 2011

Celebrate Your Friends

These are my two best friends Steven Lopez and Latoya Tyson. They are my left and right hand, my art work and art shows wouldn’t happen without their help and will power to see me succeed. I don’t thank them enough take a moment to celebrate your friends.

Toya – action sampler double exposure
Steven – Pop 9 Toya Camera

Visit Toya’s Blog at

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Alarm Clock

I had bought a magnifier filter for my holga lens and I got this effect. I shot this with a holga lens on my digital camera. I like the abstractness of it and the idea of something like a boring alarm clock can be interesting.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I’m a big fan of the plastic lens on any camera and I shot this with a digital Rebel. I like the aged and faded look I was able to capture; it’s like an inn camera photoshop.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crime Scene or Fun Party?

Making my morning alley stroll I was stopped by a woman sitting on her back door steps, she told me if I wanted to take pictures of this alley I would have to give her a few cigarettes; she said it was the toll fee. Then she asked me if I knew what a toll was. The recession sure makes people creative.